St. Louis, The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape

StLouisEvolutionSt. Louis , The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape, [2001] describes a city that was once among the  “first tier” American cities that has now fallen to a lower rung; St. Louis is one of these fallen giants. Founded in 1764, incorporated in 1823, St. Louis was one of America’s ten most populated cities from 1860 to 1960; a century of national prominence. This book is a wonderful object lesson in city building. His ideas about “fenced off places and wider settings” provides a sound framework for the discussion. Mr. Sandweiss concludes his fine book with a chapter entitled, Epilogue: Rethinking the Contours of Community in the Declining City, 1950 to Present. Having been published in 2001, the story misses the resurgence of St. Louis and other American cities in the 21st century; perhaps not to their former glory, but to places of increased livability.

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