Character Towns: small cities and towns economic development
Small cities and towns economic development depends on character towns that attract residents, businesses and visitors. Therefore, character towns are small cities and towns defined by their authentic, unique and substantive qualities. In addition, they are friendly and inviting physical setting with active businesses and strong neighborhoods. Also, respect is important and useful when preserving and enhancing historic and natural assets, they are the basis for authentic character. As a result, small cities and towns with character attract the creative class and the businesses that employ them.
Connect to the Global Economy
High speed broadband internet service is the key infrastructure that connects small cities and towns to the global economy. Therefore, global connections enable small businesses and entrepreneurs to participate in the global economy. In the end, character towns are civil and sociable with a society proud of its hometown, protective of its heritage and committed to its well-being. Finally, the mission of city-building professionals is the preservation and enhancement of towns with character, and to create character where is does not yet exist.
Cross Leverage all Physical, Economic and Social Assets
This article discusses how character towns cross-leverage their many physical assets to enhance the economic and social infrastructure of the city. Furthermore, city and civic leadership is the key ingredient to achieving the mission. The mission is for every town in America be successful. In the end, success is being an interesting, pleasant and prosperous place for residents, businesses and visitors. In conclusion, leadership and vision matter; they drive the communities’ strategy which in turn directs every action of the city and town.
Vision, strategy and action, with strong civic and business leadership, create the environment for a successful town. As a result, success is built on character and sustainable civic assets and infrastructure using technology and green processes. Small cities and towns economic development is supported by cross leveraging all physical and social assets to support business retention and recruiting. A grow business sector fosters a growing tax and fee base along with jobs and family incomes.
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