Five Principles of Urban Economics

 From the Magazine…City Journal came upon this great discussion of urban economic. The five principles listed below are appetizers for Mr. Polese’s rich discussion of each. Cities building character, sustainable character, can benefit from this work. A link to the full article is below. 

 “My first principle, then, teaches us that the possibilities of dramatically altering a city’s economic standing are necessarily constrained by the city’s location and relative size. 

My first principle of urban economics doesn’t mean that every city’s fate is preordained. 

That brings us to my second: when cities do experience dramatic changes in their growth paths, the reason is almost always outside events or technological change. 

Principle Number Three teaches us that city fathers must be attentive to the opportunities of new transportation links. 

“My fourth principle of urban economics is that every industry leaves its imprint on a city—and it isn’t always a good one. 

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